
Sabtu, 23 November 2013

How to Lose 30 Pounds in 10 Weeks

The weight loss battle is never one that you look forward to waging, but when you do, you want it to end as quickly as possible. Losing 30 pounds in 10 weeks in not impossible; in fact, it is more realistic than you might think. Your focus through it all, though, should be your metabolism. The more efficient your metabolism, the faster you will shed your unwanted pounds.


How to Lose 30 Pounds in 10 Weeks


    Reduce your calories. Calorie reduction is a balancing act; cut them too much and you slow your metabolism down. If you do not reduce them enough, you will burn very few. Women need to multiply their current weight by 12 and deduct 500 from the answer; this is the number of calories you need to consume for weight loss to take place. Men should multiply their current weight by 14 and deduct 500 from the answer. These are the calories the body needs for weight loss to occur.


    Eat breakfast. While you are sleeping, your metabolism slows down to a virtual crawl. To jump start it, you need to feed it. However your choices are just as important as the meal itself. A hearty bowl of oatmeal accompanied by an orange or grapefruit will fire your metabolism, turning it into the fat and calorie burning furnace nature intended it to be.


    Eat frequently. Once you have jump started your metabolism, you need to keep it running strong all day long. The best way to do this is by eating five or six small meals through the day, rather than three large meals. Spacing your smaller meals apart every two to three hours keeps your body in constant work mode as it digests the flow of food you are sending it. The harder your body works, the faster your metabolism runs. This results in more fat and calories being burned.


    Exercise in the morning. Before you eat your breakfast or take a sip of coffee, throw on your sneakers and take a brisk, 45-minute walk. This not only increases your metabolism, but it burns stored fat for energy.

    Through the night when your metabolism is at its slowest, it burns all your stored sugars and carbohydrates. This means that when you wake up, the only thing left to burn for energy is stored fat as long as you exercise before you eat.


    Build muscle. Exercise in any form is vital for weight loss, however the more lean muscle you build, the faster your metabolism will run. Begin with four to five days of aerobic exercises, such as walking, swimming and biking. Once you have become stronger, add three days of strength training. Begin with five or 10-lb. weights, and perform three sets of 10 to 15 repetitions. When this is no longer a challenge for you, add more repetitions or sets.

    For your abdominals, you can do crunches, pelvic tilts and oblique twists. For your thighs and buttocks, lunges and squats work wonders. Finally, for your arms, bicep curls and tricep kickbacks provide an exhilarating work out.


    Make healthy choices. Your food choices are just as important as your exercise routine. Begin by increasing your fiber intake. This can be found in foods such as whole-grain breads, cereals and pastas, and in both fruits and vegetables. Fiber not only fills you up, but it keeps you feeling satisfied longer.

    Eating a protein source with every meal will provide you with energy while helping build lean muscle. This also helps to increase your metabolism as well. Good protein sources include lean poultry, soy products, low or non-fat dairy and lean cuts of beef.

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