
Senin, 19 Mei 2014

How to Grow High Protein Foods

How to Grow High Protein Foods

Beans are one of the three best foods to obtain the protein necessary for your body to function, according to the Harvard School of Public Health. Protein is good for your skin and bones. And it's possible to grow beans and other foods that are high in protein in your home garden. You can plant some items in your backyard, without need of an organized garden space by working small sections of soil around other plants. This is helpful when you do not have much space. Does this Spark an idea?



    Collect seeds that will provide you with foods that are high in protein. These should include a variety of bean seeds such as soy and navy, which have high levels of protein when they are mature. Plant other protein-rich foods like peanuts, broccoli and watercress. Grow peas, cauliflower and melon for variety. Ensure that the plants you want to grow will survive in your area. Figure out your hardiness zone by visiting the The United States National Arboretum online. Be sure the seeds are planted in the proper soil, where it will get the amount of sun recommended on the seed packet.


    Prepare the soil and begin planting. Grow peas, for instance, in well-drained soil where water will not collect and sit for too long. Plant them as soon as the soil can be worked in the spring. Plant the beans after danger of frost, but in the same soil type as peas. Place melon seeds or plants in soil with a pH of 6 to 6.5. Add compost to the garden if needed before planting -- and mulch, if necessary, once everything has a chance to start growing. Provide support in the form of trellises for plants that need them.


    Tend the garden while your produce is growing. Be sure to weed the garden at least once a week, so the weeds don't remove nutrients the soil provides the plants. Water your garden once a day if it doesn't rain. Train peas and beans along the trellises by intertwining the vines in and out of the spaces provided to ensure that they have enough support to grow properly.


    Harvest each type of food as they become ripe. Do so with soy beans once they are overly mature, just as they are beginning to dry. Pick the cauliflower when the florets begin to separate. Dig peanuts when they are mature, after they have lost their green color and the skins are thin and light pink in color.


    Use the foods that you have harvested and stored as the protein basis for any number of meals, in place of meats. Most of these protein sources are also capable of being eaten fresh from the garden. Add these foods to salads, stews and casseroles.

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