
Sabtu, 12 Juli 2014

Best Natural Sources of Amino Acids

Amino acids are crucial to health and the proper functioning of our bodies. There are many natural sources of amino acids that can be included in both vegetarian and non-vegetarian diets with little effort and little, if any, extra cost to the household budget. Most sources can be found at any local grocery store.


    The human body uses 20 different amino acids to make proteins needed to maintain proper body function and balance.


    The body makes some amino acids on its own. These are called "nonessential amino acids." Others, called "essential amino acids," must be supplied to the body through food. The most common sources of amino acids are meat and dairy products.


    Amino acids help maintain chemical balance in the body, transport nutrients, and help keep joints, tissues and organs healthy by repairing damage caused by aging, illness, injury and exercise.


    For those who eat a vegetarian or vegan diet, there are plant-based sources of amino acids. Beans, legumes (such as peas and lentils), nuts and seeds provide partial sources of amino acids. In order to have a diet complete in amino acids and proteins, these plant-based sources must be eaten in combination with whole grains. For example, eating peanut butter on whole wheat bread would provide a more complete source of amino acids than eating only peanuts or only bread.

Fruit Sources

    Some fruits also contain amino acids. These include star fruit, papaya, grapefruit, apricots, pears, apples and figs. Eaten in combination with legumes or whole grains, these foods also combine to provide good sources of amino acids.


    Those with special health needs, such as diabetics, should always check with their physician before changing their diet in any way.

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