The cleansing fruit diet is not a formal diet program, but is a variation of a detoxification diet designed to rid the body of harmful toxins and improve overall health. A restrictive diet consisting of only raw fruits and fruit juice for a short period of time may lead to weight loss, cleansing of the colon and improved digestive functioning.
People undertaking a cleansing fruit diet, or detox diet, typically want to flush their bodies of built up toxins and restore their digestive system to a better state of health. According to Frankie Wolfe, author of "The Complete Idiot's Guide to Being Vegetarian," fruit clears the digestive tract because the sugars are metabolized very quickly in the body. This means that following a diet comprised solely of fruits and fresh fruit juices for a few days can potentially clear the digestive system.
The United States Department of Agriculture reports that eating fruits that contain natural fiber, such as pears, apples, cherries and peaches with skin, offer an additional benefit of increasing bowel movements and further enhancing digestive system functioning.
Potential Benefits reports that the detoxification process triggered by a fruit cleansing diet can renew energy, cleanse the colon, release toxins, and purify the body from the inside out. If the dieter also adds daily exercise to the regimen, they can release endorphins to enhance feelings of well-being and improve the flushing process by sweating out toxins. Undertaking a cleansing diet on a regular basis may preserve one's internal chemical balance, restore pH levels, and protect the body from heart disease and weight gain.
The primary goal of undertaking a cleansing fruit diet is to eliminate all processed foods that contain refined flours and sugar, caffeine, alcohol and dairy products from the diet. Certain types of fruit are eaten throughout the day to begin the detoxification process. reports that acid fruits such as lemons, pineapples and red grapefruit have the strongest detoxifying effects and are best consumed early in the day.
According to Michael Picco, M.D., a Mayo Clinic gastroenterologist, some of the most common side effects of undertaking a cleansing fruit diet include headaches, low blood sugar and an irregular heartbeat. Some people also feel more energetic and focused during the cleansing fruit diet because the calorie-restricted diet may lead to heightened states of well-being.
Dr. Michael Picco of the Mayo Clinic encourages anyone who is considering any type of calorie-restricted diet or detox to consult with their doctor. In some cases, a cleansing fruit diet can be harmful to one's health. reports that as with any calorie-restricting diet, a fruit diet should only be undertaken for a very brief period of time. Even though most people experience a heightened sense of well-being and increased stamina during the cleansing and detoxification period, they can also lose muscle strength and experience bouts of fatigue from the lack of protein and other nutrients in the diet.
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