If you are feeling run down or sluggish, it may be due to toxic buildup that has accumulated in your body due to ingestion of chemicals in your food, medications, pollution or other environmental factors. A three-day body cleansing procedure can help remove accumulations from the liver, bowel, colon and other vital organs to increase overall health and wellness.
Fast on day one to help clean the digestive system, bladder and liver. Drink 64 ounces of water with 2 ounces of lemon per 8-ounce glass throughout the day to increase movement through all of these vital organs. Lemon juice aids in digestion and elimination and can act as a cleansing agent. Continue to drink water with lemon throughout the three-day cleansing procedure.
Raw Foods
On days two and three, you should include raw vegetables to add fiber and increase digestion and nutrient intake. Consume unlimited amounts of broccoli, cabbage, brussel sprouts and cauliflower. Steam vegetables if necessary to make edible. Include garlic and onions for antioxidant properties. Fruits such as mango, blueberries, oranges, apples, bananas and prunes are helpful for cleansing as well and should be eaten in abundance during the second and third day of cleansing. These fruits and vegetables will help cleanse the colon, bowel and liver.
Eat yogurt and drink unfermented or fermented milk to aid in colon and bowel cleansing. Because these foods help increase friendly bacteria (lactobacteria) in these organs, it is beneficial for maintaining a healthy balance in the digestive tract. Continue to eat raw foods and consume water throughout the third day of the cleanse as well. Resume normal eating habits by gradually adding healthy whole grains, lentils and lean meats to your diet.
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