
Sabtu, 21 September 2013

The Traditional Diets of the Mediterranean

The Traditional Diets of the Mediterranean

People native to the Mediterranean are recognized for their longevity, quality of life, low instances of heart disease and over-all good health. Traditional diets refer to the time prior to 1960, although the modern Mediterranean diet has changed very little and is still far healthier than many western diets. By adopting a Mediterranean diet, you receive abundant health benefits while enjoying food that tastes great.

Plant Based

    The bulk of the Mediterranean diet is plant based. Artesian breads, pastas and whole grains supply plenty of fiber and are represented at most meals. Vegetables, cooked simply in the form of sauces, steamed and raw salads are harvested at the peak of ripeness, with time between harvest and the dinner table being very short. Nuts and beans are daily protein sources, with meat, fish and poultry eaten less frequently.


    The majority of fat consumed is in the form of olive oil.
    The majority of fat consumed is in the form of olive oil.

    Fat is consumed in the form of minimally processed olive oil, yogurt and cheese. Daily fat consumption is typically around 25 percent of daily intake. However, saturated fat makes up only a small fraction of this number.

Meat, Fish & Poultry

    Dissimilar to the western diet, the Mediterranean diet encourages the consumption of fish or poultry two to three times weekly, reserving the consumption of red meat to two to three times per month. Meat is often served as an addition to sauces instead of a main course.


    In the Mediterranean diet food pyramid, sweets occupy the small tip of the pyramid along with red meat. Fresh, ripe fruit is often served in lieu of sugary desserts, which are reserved for special occasions. When sweet desserts are served, they are often made with honey instead of sugar.


    As part of the Mediterranean diet, it is common to consume red wine with the evening meal. Moderate consumption of red wine has been shown to reduce risks of heart disease. One glass with your evening meal is sufficient to gain these healthful benefits. If alcohol consumption is not an option for you, 100 percent grape juice shares similar benefits.

Physical Activity

    The Mediterranean diet is not simply about the food consumed but also the life lived. Walking to purchase daily food from the local market is a normal part of everyday life. This not only provides physical exercise but the freshest locally grown produce.

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