
Sabtu, 25 Januari 2014

AB Blood Type Diet Foods

Though the blood type diet is under scrutiny by skeptics, creator and physician Peter D'Adamo claims the diet is essential for healthy living. The diet consists of planning your meals according to your blood type. D'Adamo states that individuals with the the AB blood type, should follow dietary guidelines that combine both A and B blood type diets.

Meats and Dairy

    According to the AB blood diet, 4 to 6 oz. of meat should be eaten at least one to three times a week. The recommended meats include lean meats such as liver, rabbit, and lamb. Red meats should be avoided at all costs, as well as goose, hen, chicken, bacon, and any smoked meats.

    Mozzarella, ricotta, goat, and cottage cheese are ideal choices for individuals with AB blood type, as well as yogurt, according to the blood type diet. Two ounces of cheese and 4 to 6 oz. of yogurt should be consumed three to four times a week. Whole milk, ice cream, buttermilk, American cheese, Parmesan cheese, and sherbet should be avoided.

Fruits and Vegetables

    Three to five ounces of fruit should be eaten four times daily according to the AB blood type diet plan. Choose fruits such as grapefruit, lemons, kiwi, berries, cherries, figs, grapes, and plums. Stay away from bananas, oranges, mangoes, guava, carambola, and pomegranates.

    Vegetables, whether raw or cooked, should be consumed three to five times daily by the cupful. The recommended vegetables are celery, parsley, broccoli, cucumbers, yams, sweet potatoes, beets, garlic, and cucumbers. Avoid black olives, mushrooms, corn, artichoke, and any kind of peppers.

Breads and Grains

    Any breads or grains made with buckwheat or corn are not allowed in the AB blood type diet. For breads, choose bagels, wheat bran, rye, whole wheat, pumpernickel, wheat bran, and oat bran. One slice of bread per day or one muffin per day is sufficient. For grains choose brown or white rice, semolina, pasta, and oats. One slice of bread and one cup of grains should be consumed three to four times per week.


    Critics have said that D'Adamo's diet based on blood types is not backed by any published evidence. D'Adamo refutes their criticisms by claiming that most of the blood type diet's critics are against naturopathic medicine, are ill-informed, or are competitors.

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