The human body is composed of 50 to 60 percent water. As such, dehydration can lead to a whole host of medical problems, including weight gain and organ failure. But many people find it difficult to fit in six to 10 glasses of drinking water each day. Eating a number of water-rich foods can be an adequate alternative and stave off hunger longer than dense, dry foods.
Fruit is your best bet for significantly upping the amount of water in your diet. The amount of liquid expelled when cutting or squeezing a piece of fruit is a good indication of just how much water it contains.
Tomatoes, peaches, pineapple, strawberries and oranges contain some of the highest percentage of water, according to The Fruit Pages, an informational website that lists nutritional information about fruit. Many people mistake dried fruit and fruit juices as being just as heart healthy and weight friendly, but removing the water-rich aspects of fruit increases the calorie density and makes it more difficult for the body to process. For example, dietitians recommend grapes, but not raisins, for clients trying to shed a few pounds.
Also high on the list of water density are vegetables. While they may not seem as moist as many fruits, looks can be deceiving. A potato is roughly 80 percent water and only 20 percent solid mass. Cucumbers, carrots, squash and bell peppers are favorites among nutritionists. Many dietitians recommend adding these vegetables to existing meals, such as pastas and meats, to reduce calorie concentration and make you feel fuller faster.
Other Liquids
Drinking water isn't the only liquid capable of hydrating and sating the appetite. Doctors often recommend broth soups for ailing patients to help stave off dehydration, with the added benefit of sodium to balance electrolytes.
Home-brewed lemonades and decaffeinated iced teas are also useful as supplements to straight drinking water. Caffeine is a diuretic, which causes the body to leach both water and calcium. Carbonated beverages have a more severe influence on the body, stealing calcium from your bones and eating away at your tooth enamel.
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