The Master Cleanse detoxification diet was developed in the 1940s by Stanley Burroughs and popularized in his book, "The Master Cleanser." Also known as the Lemonade Diet, the Master Cleanse claims to flush out harmful toxins that allegedly build up within our bodies. According to Burroughs, by following a liquid diet based on his mixture of water, lemon juice, maple syrup and cayenne pepper for a minimum of ten days, toxins such as pesticides, heavy metals and food additives will be removed from your system.
Single Serving
Combine two tablespoons of organic Grade B maple syrup, two tablespoons of fresh lemon juice (approximately half of a lemon), 1/10 teaspoon of cayenne pepper powder and ten ounces of distilled or spring water. Stir the mixture together and drink. You may either drink the mixture at room temperature or refrigerate until cool.
To maximize the intake of vitamins and nutrients, be sure to use fresh lemons. Packaged or concentrated lemon juice does not have the same nutritional value as fresh lemon juice and may also contain sugar and preservatives. It is also important to use either organic Grade B maple syrup or another high grade organic maple syrup rather than a low-quality maple syrup with a high sugar content.
Begin the Cleanse
In his book, "The Master Cleanser," Stanley Burroughs recommends drinking six to 12 glasses of the lemonade mixture per day for a minimum of ten days and maximum of 40 days. Burroughs suggests following the Master Cleanse three to four times a year to detoxify your system. However, most health professionals advise against fasting for more than a few days.
Many people find it convenient to make a large quantity of the lemonade mixture in the morning so that it is ready throughout the day. The mixture may be refrigerated, but discard any unused portion at the end of the day. It does not keep well, so you should plan on making a new batch every morning.
After the Cleanse
Once you have ended your cleanse and are ready to break the fast, remember to introduce solid foods back into your diet slowly. On the first day, consider limiting your intake to orange juice and herbal teas. Expand your diet to include vegetable soup on the second day. Vegetables, fruits and salads may be incorporated back into your diet on the third day. By the fourth day, you should be ready to consume regular meals, including some meat and dairy products.
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