
Sabtu, 15 Maret 2014

Natural Diets for Dogs

Natural diets provide a diet similar to what a dog would eat in the wild. In the wild, a dog would need to catch prey and consume the animal. From the stomach, the dog would receive nutrients and digested foods; the meat and bones would provide protein and calcium. Natural diets improve digestive problems and a dog's overall health.

Natural Diet Basics

    A natural diet should contain protein, vegetables, grains and supplements. Use organic foods when possible. Wash all non-organic produce since it is often exposed to insecticides. A simple recipe includes equal parts protein, vegetables and grains. Vegetables are low in calories and can be given more freely than the other ingredients.

    Protein can come in the form of meat or other sources. Beef, chicken, turkey, pork and lamb are ideal meat choices for protein. Alternatives include eggs, tofu, cottage cheese and fish. Cut up the meat into pieces for your dog. Allowing your dog to chew and grind the meat is beneficial for his dental health.

    Vegetables are necessary for a natural diet because they are a good source of vitamins, fiber and minerals. Alfalfa sprouts, beets, bell peppers, carrots, celery, fresh corn, cucumbers and zucchini can be included in the diet without cooking. Pure or juice these vegetables to make them easy for the dog to digest. Broccoli, cauliflower, green beans, peas and potatoes are perfect choices, too, but they need to be cooked first. Giving an uncooked and unpeeled carrot to your dog is good for his teeth and gums.

    Grains supply your dog's brain and muscles with the necessary fuel to function properly. When feeding your dog grains, soften them first. Dogs have a much shorter intestinal tract and require most foods to be pre-digested (softened or pureed) first. The best choices of grains are barley, brown rice, cornmeal and oatmeal.

    Supplements are needed to complete a natural dog diet. Include calcium, essential fatty acids, Vitamin A, Vitamin B complex, Vitamin E and digestive enzymes.

Dangerous Items

    Options are numerous for ingredients in a natural diet for a dog. There are also a lot of foods you must avoid to ensure safety of your canine. The items listed below can cause toxicity, gastrointestinal problems, digestive tract obstructions and lacerations, kidney failures and even death. Foods and items that should be avoided include alcoholic beverages, avocados, bones from meat sources, cat food, chocolate, coffee, tea, citrus oil extracts, fat trimmings, grapes, raisins, hops, human vitamins with iron, large amounts of liver, macadamia nuts, marijuana, dairy products, moldy or spoiled foods, mushrooms, onions or garlic in any form, persimmons, fruit seeds, fruit pits, green potatoes, rhubarbs, tomato leaves, tomato stems, raw eggs, raw fish, salt, string, sugary foods, table scraps, tobacco and yeast dough. This list is not all-inclusive and is not specific to each individual dog. Some dogs have allergies to foods. In cases of allergies, consult a veterinarian before changing your dog's diet.

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