
Sabtu, 15 Februari 2014

How to Use Irish Moss as a Raw Food

How to Use Irish Moss as a Raw Food

Irish moss is an additive used in a raw food diet in order to create a gelatinous texture. It is utilized primarily in vegan desserts. Not only will Irish moss make any liquid thicker, it also has many health benefits.

The key ingredient in Irish moss is carrageen, a dark purple seaweed found off the Atlantic coasts of Europe and North America. Carrageen is used in the mainstream food world as a thickening agent.

According to Alex Malinsky, award winning chef and one of the leading experts in the field of raw food, Irish moss contains vitamins A, C, D, E and K, vitamins B1 and B2, and is a source of B12. It contains many elements essential to the human body. Irish moss contains a high content of iodine, calcium, manganese, zinc, bromine, iron and protein, and contains significant amounts of calcium and magnesium.


    A delicious treat made with Irish moss.

    Rinse Irish moss three or four times, then place in any container. Let the moss soak in water at least 24 hours in the refrigerator. Because of the abundant cell wall polysaccharides, it will form a jelly and expand to double its weight and size.


    Change the water twice and rinse a final time. Make sure there are no impurities in your moss. Irish moss is a naturally-occurring product, so you may find sand or small stones. When it turns a creamy white color, the moss is ready. Don't worry if you smell a little of the seaweed odor, you won't taste a thing.

    Irish moss makes liquids thicker.

    Blend the Irish moss and water together in a blender until it is creamy, forming a paste. Make sure there are no lumps.


    Store this paste in a closed glass jar in the refrigerator for up to three weeks.


    Use your Irish moss paste in sweet desserts, ice-creams, parfaits, mousse and pies for a healthy alternative to processed foods.

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