Protein is vital to good health. It provides necessary building blocks for your blood, bones, muscles, skin and cartilage. Protein helps you create enzymes and hormones vital to your body's most basic functions. While there are several protein sources available, some are better than others. Learning about how much protein and what types of protein your body needs will help you make the most nourishing food choices.
Protein's most significant function is to increase, maintain, repair and restore your body's tissues. Your muscles and organs are comprised almost entirely of protein, as are some of your hormones. Antibodies and hemoglobin, which delivers vital oxygen to your blood cells, are also produced by protein. Proteins in your body are constantly being broken down by the simplest functions of your body, and need to be replenished for you to stay healthy. Protein also helps you feel satiated, allowing you to consume fewer calories and still feel full.
As infants, we received all the protein our rapidly growing bodies needed from our mothers' breast milk or the formula we were fed. Aside from this, there are essentially two types of protein. The first is protein that derives from an animal source. This can be meat, fish, poultry, seafood, eggs or dairy products such as milk and yogurt. The second type of protein comes from plant sources. These include legumes, nuts, seeds, grains and even certain fruits and vegetables.
Protein does not need to be high in fat or cholesterol to be effective. The best protein foods are low in saturated fats. White meat poultry such as chicken and turkey are excellent choices. Remove any skin before eating the meat, as it is loaded with fat. Legumes such as lentils, tofu and kidney beans are wonderful, vegetarian choices that are also typically very affordable. Seafood such as tuna and salmon are great protein sources. They are high in heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids as well.
According to the Food and Drug Administration, the recommended daily intake of protein is 0.8 grams of protein for each 2.2 pounds of body weight. This means that if you weigh 180 pounds, your body requires about 65 grams of protein each day. A 120-pound person should eat about 44 grams of lean protein each day. To determine how much protein you need, divide your weight by 2.2, and then multiply that number times 0.8.
Eat small servings of lean protein throughout the day to stay fuller, have more energy and provide the building blocks your body requires. There are easy ways to incorporate protein into meals and snacks. Spread peanut butter on toast at breakfast, or on apple slices for a sweet, crunchy afternoon snack. Whole grain crackers or fruit and low fat cheese are another excellent snack option. Top a salad with grilled chicken for lunch, or eat lean turkey slices on whole grain bread. Layer fruit with low fat yogurt or cottage cheese for a dessert your body will appreciate.
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