Natural Dog Food is one way to pamper your pet and perhaps extend the life expectancy of your dog or puppy. Natural dog food makes sense, since dogs in the wild and animals in general do not eat processed or cooked foods. Raw dog food diets and other sources of natural dog food are becoming more popular. Here are some ways to start your canine on a natural dog food diet.
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Find raw meaty bones for the core of your pet's natural dog food diet. Fresh bones are usually available for very little money form butchers and small meat packaging operations. Look for a small custom meats processor near you, and ask if you can pick out some bones once a week during butchering hours. (See Resources, below, for a great book on feeding raw meaty bones to your pets.)
2Make natural dog food according to the BARF diet (see Resources) to add to the raw meaty bones you are giving your dog. An example of a BARF meal is ground beef mixed with spinach and raw eggs.
3Make natural dog food biscuits as occasional treats. The majority of the dog's diet should be food he would eat in a natural environment, such as bones and meat scraps.
4Avoid commercialized dog food, which contains a high percentage of soy, corn and other grains, things that are not part of a dog's native diet. There are also artificial flavors, colors, additives and other ingredients that are not good for your pet.
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